More Mary, Less Martha

I don’t know if it is all women, but I tend to have a case of the Marthas. I am constantly making lists, checking them off, patting myself on the back and moving on to the next list. It [selfishly] makes me feel accomplished, like I’m “doing my duties.” I allow myself to get lost in the tasks themselves, rather than the purpose of them. I don’t prepare dinner, keep everything neat and tidy and invite people into our home for myself; no, I do all of these things so that my life points to Jesus. I don’t pick up dirty clothes from the floor or take out the trash again to check a box off of my list; I do it so that Jesus’ unconditional love is evident.

My heart longs to be more like Mary. Too often, I skip over my quiet time with Jesus to get a head-start on my checklist. I don’t know why, but it has taken a while for me to see that this can turn my heart ice cold, like Martha’s. I want to be like Mary, dying to hear the words of Jesus and patiently sitting at his feet, knowing the work will get done in due time. I pray that my selfish desires of accomplishment are dulled and a fire is started in my heart to be in the word. Knowing Jesus and hearing Him speak to you is a fulfillment like no other that leads to a happy heart to take on the day and the world.

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

Less Martha, More Mary

One year has come!


eating our anniversary cake

Us Presslys have officially been at this marriage thing for a whole year! This past Sunday Justin and I celebrated our one year anniversary together. It was a nice, relaxing day filled with surprises, sunshine, juicy steaks and cake! My favorite part of the day was sitting together on the back porch stuffing our faces, with our fur babies sitting at our feet, reflecting on the past year.


This year has flown so fast. We were very busy, settling into our new lives and roles, while still trying to maintain relationships outside of our home. Let me tell you- that is tough! We’ve had a lot of fun getting to do life together and figuring out our faith and just how good Jesus is together. It’s been the little things that have been the most fun- days on the boat together, training June together, painting our living room, impromptu date nights, road trips and jam sessions, deep conversations about where we’re headed and how our sins affect our everyday lives.


It has also been hard and challenging. I’ve learned more about myself and my husband in the past year than I think I ever have. I’ve learned what compromise really means and how valuable it is. I’ve learned what true affection is too. It’s not the steamy, romantic, head-over-heels feeling all of the time like culture wants us to believe. It’s watching Justin put the dishes away. It’s back scratches when all you want to do is turn over and hit the sack. It’s sharing the last kiwi strawberry water when you’ve been looking forward to it all afternoon. It’s holding hands in the car. It is by no means glamorous. It’s being the first to say you’re sorry. It’s making up lyrics to songs just to make the other giggle. It’s picking stuff out of the other’s teeth. True affection is doing life together and not giving up, no matter how much you want to throw in the towel.

I am blessed beyond words to get to figure out marriage with a man that God created for me. Marriage is the greatest gift he’s given to us and that touches me deep down in my toes to try my hardest to not screw it up. The point of marriage is to teach me to wash the feet of another sinner. The point of marriage is to make me more like Him. Marriage has far exceeded my expectations and I can’t wait to see what year number two brings to us!

 Pressly-Party-of-Two-Anniversary Pressly-Party-of-Two-Anniversary Pressly-Party-of-Two-Anniversary

Heart Checks Are a Necessity

This past weekend I needed a heart check, big time. Sometimes I get caught up in the wanting and striving and the always needing more. My mind wants to move through life stages much faster than our bodies or our bank account will allow. I see other couples that Justin and I admire and I find myself wanting what they have. Homes, families, memories- the good stuff. They’ve also got years of experience under their belts- something that I often forget.

pure heartI have been blessed with a very gracious husband who provides me with “heart checks” when I need them the most. In such a loving way, he brings me back to reality and helps to center my focus. I could let the jealousy and envy burrow into my heart and make me sour, or I could refocus my heart and see all the wonderful things that Jesus has blessed me with. I strive to be content with what the Lord has given me and to build on that in due time. His plan is laid out for me and I need to trust and rest in that. I want to hold strong in that He knows what is best for me, he knows what is best for my marriage. I want my heart to be full of joy and gratitude toward Him, not questions and disappointment. He loves us and there is no doubt that Justin and I are immensely blessed because of Him. I lose sight of that sometimes though and that’s where Justin is just a rock star. He brings me back and reminds me where to keep my heart. A wonderful man has been placed in my life and I love him so.

Precious in His Eyes

Feeling unworthy of Christ has always been an obstacle of mine. The thought that the Lord of all Creation gave up his son for me nearly brings tears to my eyes every time. Why me? I’m not that great. I can be lazy, I can think ugly thoughts and I don’t put forth enough effort for You to want me. I’ve always felt like there has got to be something more that I can do to earn Jesus’ love.Pressly_Precious_in_His_eyes

These can be very hard thoughts to deal with, and I do from time to time. These thoughts also put you in a very negative place. Feeling unworthy, undeserving, can change your mindset faster than you realize and the next thing you know, you’re heading down a dark, lonely road. A simple word pops into my mind every time I start in this direction. Grace.

Grace is an extraordinarily beautiful thing. By the grace of God, I was chosen. All of me was chosen; the good, bad and ugly. He loves me and wants to be near me despite all of my flaws; even because of my flaws. Every part of me is precious in his eyes. The simple fact that Jesus wants a relationship with me, that he seeks me out leaves me feeling so unbelievably special.

Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life.  – Isaiah 43:4

Marriage has helped me to see my worthiness. Learning how to sacrifice for Justin because I choose to has given me a small insight into God’s grace and its really beautiful. Watching Justin choose to make my morning coffee or do something special for me represents Christ’s love for us and all that goes into that; the good, bad and ugly.

12 Thoughts to Get a Grip on Your Day

I’ve been able to learn a lot so far in 2015. Isn’t it crazy how you can learn so much in such a little amount of time? You can literally feel like a whole new person a week from now. It’s kind of a freeing and terrifying thought at the same time. There have been moments where I have been terrified and want to just curl up in bed and get whisked away into the world of Sex & the City, believe me. But today, I am feeling free and in tune with my mind, my heart and the Lord, so here are a few things that have really hit home with me over the past month. I hope they mean something to you, too.


1. Being envious of something or someone doesn’t make you superior; it hurts your heart and makes you ugly on the inside. Get over it, your time will come.

2. Your family is more important. Period. When faced with the choice, choose family every time.

3. A job is just a job. Yes, you need it to pay bills, support yourself and family, blah, blah, blah. Don’t let it consume you and don’t let it rule your life.

4. Prayer makes a huge difference in your daily walk with Christ. When you stay in touch with him, your days are simpler. It doesn’t make your decisions any easier, just more clear.

5. Just eat the stupid brownie! Every gooey bite.

6. Failing does not make you a failure. It makes you smarter. As long as you pick your head up and keep truckin’, you will win every single time.

7. As much as you want to roll over in bed, get up and quit wasting the day. That cup of coffee and quiet time with Jesus waiting on you will totally start your day with a bang.

8. So you have a million things running through your mind. Finishing the to-do list for today, starting the to-do for the next day, laundry, dinner and dirty dishes all zooming through your only-so-big-brain… If your husband asks you to come snuggle on the couch, quit what you’re doing and go snuggle.

9. Wash your face before you go to bed. Not only does it wash off your makeup, it washes off the day, too.

10. When the opportunities present themselves, have fun. It doesn’t matter if that means an impromptu day-date, a pedicure or a spontaneous weekend trip to the mountains, just do it!

11. Don’t let the chance go by to speak your mind. But be kind when you do it.

12. Never underestimate the power of a curling iron and lengthening mascara. They will do wonders to your attitude!


Thank you for enduring my mushy, sentimental ramblings. Until next time, folks!

New year, new goals – 2015

Since I’ve been in the blogging world, I’ve noticed that my favorite bloggers are exceptionally good at setting goals and reflecting on them via their blog posts. They have inspired me to try to do the same, with 2015 just coming into grasp.

I have big dreams and big ideas, but where I often falter is not holding myself accountable and not writing them down. My mind is constantly buzzing with thoughts, ideas and goals that are not always heard by anyone else. So maybe, just maybe, if I post them here in the blog world, I will stick to them a little closer. I actually did meet all of my goals in my first blog post – I call that an accomplishment!

2015 Goals:

Plan monthly date nights with Justin

Spend more time in prayer and develop a consistent morning devotion time

Become a “runner” – something I’ve always wanted to do

Intentionally study the Word with Justin (bible study course TBD; suggestions welcome)

Realistically research and begin the process of buying a home

Read six books

More consistent blogging – duh!

Celebrate our One Year Anniversary as a married couple

Incorporate more fruit into my daily diet

Find a new hobby

Bring it on, 2015!


The Pressly family has grown by one!

One pup, that is! I am excited to introduce the world to Miss June Pressly, our black Labrador retriever who is just as sweet as can be. Justin and I have been talking (slash) searching for a few months for a black lab puppy to bring home. A few weeks ago, we came across a litter in Roseboro, NC (essentially the middle of nowhere) and we fell in love with this little cutie. So one Wednesday night, we loaded in the car and headed to pick up our pup!

Pressly Party of Two - June the PupI can honestly say that a baby 7-week pup is more work than we were expecting. The phrase “you never really know until you’re doing it” comes to mind. The constant potty breaks during the night to make sure she isn’t wetting her kennel have been tough but Justin and I have been a great team through the potty training phase and so far, so good!

I’m sure every new puppy mom says this, but June has got to be one Pressly Party of Two - June the Pupof the smartest! She’s already sitting, coming and staying (kinda) on command and it’s only been two weeks! She fetches pretty well too, but I can’t tell if she really knows what she’s doing yet. Her favorite toy is her squeaky duck, which is great since she will be a bird dog next winter.

It’s so much fun to watch her grow and learn what is good behavior. She’s the world’s best snuggler, has the nastiest puppy breath and eats so fast that she forgets to breathe. If you could only hear the silly noises and snores when she is cuddled up next to you, it would be love at first sight for you too!

Pressly Party of Two - June the Pup Pressly Party of Two - June the Pup  Pressly Party of Two - June the Pup

Six months of marriage – Reflect & Recap

November 17 is World Peace Day. It is also Homemade Bread Day. Today is Rachel McAdams birthday. Most importantly, November 17, 2014 is IMG_3164also officially my six month mark as Mrs. Pressly. The past six months have been a whirlwind of changes; overwhelming and scary, but mostly exciting and delightful.

IMG_3170Justin and I have grown a lot since May 17, 2014, both as a couple and individually. We have learned to make sacrifices and compromises that benefit our family, we have learned (and are still learning) how to budget together and what a true marriage in Christ means. I have learned how to pick my battles, truly support and encourage Justin and what it really looks like to submit to my husband, in a positive way that still allows me to be my own self. He has learned how to be “the man of the house,” a spiritual leader and the most incredible husband.

We have also had some very real conversations on areas where we can improve upon for our marriage and how we would love to see our lifeIMG_3192 play out. In our hearts we know that only God can make our future plans, but it’s always fun to dream together and plan babies, vacations and “when we’re old and gray” stories.

My heart becomes truly overwhelmed when I look back on the past six months and reflect on how wonderful this life really is. I am proud of the steps Justin and I are taking to really make a foundation for our family.

To my husband- thank you for constantly forgiving me and loving me throughout this crazy ride together. I am blessed beyond measure to call you mine and I could just burst with tears (shocker, I know) when I think of where this life is going to lead us. I love you!

Learning to be a wife after God

So, I am a week into my marriage devotional. I will admit that it has been tough to get up an hour early every day to sit with the Lord.  I have had a mental battle every day while I lay in my warm, snuggly sheets over actually how important it is that I get up to go read my devotional. I’m proud to say that, so far, I have only lost that mental battle one day (and it was a Monday- does that even count?). IMG_3593

I have genuinely seen a difference in my attitude throughout the day since starting my new series. I am more cheerful, more content and less anxious when I walk into the office ready to conquer my workload. Wife After God is giving me a new perspective on marriage and my actions as a wife. As a newlywed, I am still trying to soak up everything that my new title entails and I am loving every second of it. This is a really fun phase to navigate with Justin and with only six months in, you can really see our roles starting to take shape.

wife-after-god-30-day-devotional-unveiled-wife1If any of you ol’ married ladies out there are looking for a devotional that is easy, conversational and relatable to your life, you really need to check this one out. Because I am not very experienced in the daily devotional thing, I love that this one charts it out for you with the daily verse, daily thought, daily challenge and questions to reflect on. I find myself even thinking about these questions throughout the day. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Did you forget about the Pressly’s?

So, it’s no shocker that I haven’t been very good at regularly posting to my blog. I have fallen into the “every day’s so busy” conundrum (it’s really a word!). In all actuality, I have plenty of time to write a blog post! The hours that I spend watching Scandal or the Voice could be used to post here- it’s just a a balancing act of time. Really, what isn’t? This is a regular struggle for me. I constantly don’t feel like I am balancing my free time well. I don’t call my sister or my girlfriends enough, I don’t study my bible enough, I don’t bake enough- the list goes on!

Anyway, I’m back at it. I recently had a very dear friend tell me that my writing skills were being wasted by not blogging and that she actually looked forward to my new posts [all two of them, so far ;)]. But this was a real motivation for me. To know that even just one person reads my rambling thoughts made me feel like it’s well worth my time. So friend, I just want to say thank you and I love you.

First trip as newlyweds


Justin and I took a trip this past week to Asheville for his sister’s wedding and Charlotte for a work conference that I was attending. We drove over 1,000 miles in FIVE days! It wasn’t as bad as it sounds! We had so much fun together exploring the two cities that we really didn’t know much about. Asheville is just beautiful, any way you look at it.The mountains are just unreal this time of year and the downtown scene was just so artsy and cute! FullSizeRender (1)Naturally, we did a little bit of walking only to find a local bar.If you know my husband, that is not a surprise to you. We enjoyed sitting and looking at the change of scenery and just chatting about little things. We don’t do that often enough.

The wedding was a blast, too! Although a little chilly, the weather couldn’t have been prettier and the food- delicious! We had a lot of fun dancing the night away with family that we don’t get to hang out with enough, and of course the bride and groom!

Sunday morning, we packed up and headed to the Queen FullSizeRender (3)City. We found a local restaurant and tried to feel like Charlotteans by pulling on the Panthers! Justin also spoiled me with a trip to the movies to see Gone Girl. I loved the book, and I have to say- Ben Affleck rocked the role of Nick Dunne. You should definitely see it. This movie theater also served Dippin’ Dots- I’m not kidding! Needless to say, we were both in heaven.

We also got to spend time with a good friend, Greg, that we don’t see enough. Greg was also hosting a friend of his who is originally from England. Obviously, I was obsessed with his accent and everything he had to say was reallllllly great. (Tell me you didn’t read that with an accent and I’ll know you’re lying!) Greg had us over for dinner to catch up and I even got a little snuggle time from his great dane, Benson. IMG_3375

Justin and I really enjoyed our trip, but are thankful to be in our own bed at home with Summer the Kitty! If anything, I think this trip reminded us that we need to stay focused on the ‘today.’ We have really been trying to save and budget and really not having any fun. We are so lucky to be 23 and married to our soul mate. I think we should be smart enough to enjoy it, at least for a little while!

And to my friend I mentioned above- I’m still working on the whole wordy-ness thing! 🙂